Petrolo Galatrona 2018 The Wine Gate Shop
Petrolo Galatrona 2018 The Wine Gate Shop

Toscana – Val d'Arno di Sopra

Petrolo Galatrona 2018

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94 100


The estate

Petrolo is placed in Val d’ Arno di Sopra on the southeast side of the Chianti mountains bordering Chianti Classico. Val d’Arno di Sopra is a historical area recognized and delimited in 1716 by the Grand Duke of Tuscany Cosimo III de’ Medici as a particularly valuable land for wine and olive oil toghether with Chianti, Carmignano and Pomino (today Rufina). Finally in 2011 the area was recognized the status of DOC Valdarno di Sopra.
Petrolo was bought by the Bazzocchi family in the 40s. During the 80s Lucia Bazzocchi Sanjust, realized the great potential of the soil on the hill of Petrolo and with the help of her son Luca, begun renovating the company’s production line aiming to obtain results of the highest quality.
From 2016 all Petrolo wines have official EU Organic Certification.

The vineyard

Because all the love and respect we dedicate to farming our piece of land here in Petrolo is returned in the beauty of the wines that nature bestows on us.
Because with about 150.000 plants in production, in most part Sangiovese then Merlot and a little portion of Cabernet Sauvignon, we produce just over 90.000 bottles (Torrione 50.000, Galatrona 30.000, Bòggina 12.000). Because of the constant work in the vineyards, the meticulous care in the cellar together with extremely delicate and natural processing of the grapes, without the use of selected yeasts or enzymes, and because of the support given by extremely good weather and soil conditions, we are able to get very close to our “ideal” wine year after year, both with the Sangiovese and the Merlot - obviously with different results and different characteristics each vintage, depending on the changeable conditions. Besides the grape varieties it is made of, our wine has to talk of the piece of land it came from. It has to be a classic in its own small way, beyond being mainly good, it must hold the stories of the people who have made it, thought it and who have lived and worked for generations on that piece of land.
Because wine is a very long-term project, where results are often seen only after generations.
The wines produced at Petrolo have their roots in my grandfather’s period (in the 40’s/70’s) and my mother’s (80’s/90’s). But we can also refer to the modern age: in the “Tuscan agricultural Journal” (Giornale Agrario Toscano) Giorgio Perrin, Swiss agronomist of early ‘800, honorary member of the “Accademia dei Georgofili” of Florence and owner of Petrolo at the time, speaks of the quality of Sangiovese in Petrolo especially of the vineyard in “località Poggio Asciutto”, now Bòggina. Moreover he explains how at the time it was normal customs, in this part of Tuscany, the Chianti, to plant “uve franzose” (French grapes) to be added to Sangiovese because these grapes would not alter the quality of our wines as the character of the territory prevails over the different grape varietals. All this written on a text of 1837 that can still be read today.

The Vintage

Galatrona is the “Grand Cru” of Merlot of Petrolo, only made with the grapes from the vineyard of the same name planted between the end of the 80’s and half of the 90’s with low vigor bordeaux clones. The peculiar soil, rich in clay in combination with schist, marl and sandstones, allows the concentration of all the noble components of the grapes, fundamental for the great structure, elegance, balance and persistence wanted for this wine.

Galatrona 2018 

Among the best vintages ever with extraordinary results for quality and quantity. The winter cold and rain showers
came late. Spring was very pleasant and sunny with temperatures slightly above average. The summer maintained warm temperatures without excess and limited rainfall. These conditions supported a balanced growth and perfect ripening.


  • Domain Petrolo
  • Vineyard Galatrona
  • Color
  • Vintage 2018
  • Variety 100% Merlot
  • Culture organic
  • Alcohol degrees14.5°
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